Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Bombay to Goa: The Mechanical Bird’s wing side window view

Last week, I had the opportunity of flying from Vadodara to Goa with a stopover in Mumbai.  I got aisle seat in the Vadodara to Mumbai sector, so I used only my eyes to look around.  But I was fortunate enough to have got a window seat during the Mumbai to Goa flight, so the shutterbug in me went berserk. 
 I started clicking pictures from the take off to the landing. My excitement knew no bounds when I got a glimpse of the sea below us. Sometimes I saw white clouds beneath the aeroplane, or some other times, the dark, rain-bearing clouds.  The passengers of the flight also got concrete hints of thunder and lightning happening way below them (flying at ten kilometres above ground level). Unfortunately no pictures are available for the thunder and lightning, but we could see brightness and darkness alternating for a while.  Sometimes I could spot greenery below and some other times, a river or a road.  I could see copious quantities of the “Sky-Snow Mountains” (the white clouds!), which I was able to click.
 The flight arrived slightly late at Goa and I had to rush to the station to catch the train to Hubballi.  The train journey is covered in a different blog post.
